Nzvedaz Women In Crypto


Women In Crypto 

We aim to equip women with financial skills from cryptocurrency knowledge, money-making skills ,budgeting and investing strategies as well as securing our assets.  women must learn to understand economics and how to make money. this will enable us to be financially independent and  self sufficient .


Crypto introduction zoom once a month and three basic day free training occasionally

Life skills and motivational zoom

Multi-stream of income strategies zooms

Start budgeting and savings challenge e.g. bft challenge /masternodes stockvels /portifoilo building challenges

Advertise and support small business we will have a day people can advertise their different business and skill in the group. (note day tbc and business excludes mlm networks )

Regional and local events to be hosted (calender will be shared soon)

Social, emotional and spiritual empowerment.

Women often struggle with self identity issues and it affects their ability to excel in society. the emotional roller coaster plays a big roll in self esteem of a women. as 'Nzvedaz Women in Crypto' our mission is to help women recognize their full potential by providing emotional ,social and spiritual support .

Our mission is to eradicate the pull her down syndrome that affects our gender. we believe as women if we support each other is the societies we will be able to go further. body shaming and social expectations are catalyst of divisions in females .we aim to create a community of women that help and support each other despite background or status.

A woman's prayer is the most powerful weapon against evil and encourage praying and fasting for each other and our projects.


Charity Drive

We aim to help the less fortunate and invite all the ladies to join us in this regard. drop off points will be announced for every country and city.


  • Toiletry drive - ongoing have a box and collect pads, roll-on etc.
  • Kiddies drive – identify a children’s home and we collect preloved toys , clothes ,blankets and fund raise some money.
  • Winter drive – identify homes or street kids and collect preloved jerseys, blankets and jacket if possible have a soup kitchen
  • Christmas drive – feed the less fortunate and collect school shoes


Our mantra: i am every woman

The aim is to encourage women to walk in their sister’s shoes and take their burden, success and unite the ladies.

Support each other emotionally, mentally and physically


Our Courses